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Light On Art présente Laurence Simoncini - 1st edition

Laurence Simoncini combines raw materials, audacity and mineral colors to orchestrate unique places, free from the dictates of trends and giving full scope for emotion. She conjures up poetry, intimacy and singularity to offer more than a footprint: a universe.

She conjures up poetry, intimacy and singularity to offer more than a footprint: a universe. Laurence Simoncini in our agency, until the end of December 2020 ✨

Admirers of those she makes emerge, we invited her universe to take residence in our agency Saint-Sulpice for a season.

Vitrine avec lumières installées par Laurence Simoncini Décoration, on voit se refléter l'église saint sulpice à paris et les vélos et voitures garés
Place Saint-Sulpice, Paris
Salon décoré par Laurence Simoncini avec un grand tapis, de larges fauteuils anthraciteS
Photo portrait femme Laurence Simoncini LSD

In 2004, Laurence Simoncini embarked on the “Serendipity” adventure,

She proposed there, as a precursor, a new style through an eclectic selection mixing vintage and design. After ten beautiful years of encounters and discoveries, and as a matter of course… Laurence opens his interior design office : LSD (for Laurence Simoncini Décoration).

Today, it is in the heart of the marsh, at the bottom of a courtyard of an old mansion of the XVIIth century, that it transforms an apartment into a gallery: place of its new offices and a personal selection.

laurence simoncini decoration

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