Our events

Varenne x La Voix de l'Enfant

We had the honour of organising a cocktail party to celebrate the partnership between Varenne and the association La Voix de l'Enfant. 

This landmark event took place in a warm and supportive atmosphere, bringing together employees, partners and supporters of the child protection cause.

In our Saint-Sulpice agency

In our Saint-Sulpice agency, guests were greeted with delicate amuse-bouches prepared especially for the occasion. 

The evening was punctuated by a number of highlights, including moving speeches highlighting the crucial importance of combating child abuse. Representatives from La Voix de l'Enfant shared poignant testimonies, reminding everyone of the challenges faced by abused children and the efforts needed to protect them and offer them a better future.

Table traiteur nappe blanche vase et serveur
Table de traiteur nappe blanche et vase fleuri automnal

Make an active contribution

As a company, Varenne is proud to be associated with such a noble and essential cause. Our commitment to La Voix de l'Enfant reflects our desire to make an active contribution to society and to support those who need it most. Together, we can make a difference and work towards a world where every child grows up in a safe and loving environment.

This event will remain etched in our memories as a testament to our dedication to a cause that is close to our hearts. 

Photo équipe noir et blanc
Portrait en pieds de femme de nuit

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