Our events

30 years Varenne

- September 2022 -

To celebrate a milestone as significant as Varenne's 30th anniversary, we chose to gather in a venue steeped in history and charm: a former glassworks in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, on rue du Cherche Midi. 

This unique venue provided an exceptional setting for a memorable evening, where past and present came together in harmony.

Under the soft light of the glass roofs

Under the soft light of the glass roofs, our team gathered for an unforgettable celebration. The evening was marked by bursts of laughter, dancing and moments of conviviality that strengthened our team spirit. The industrial beauty of the glassworks, with its metal structures and large picture windows, created an atmosphere that was both elegant and warm.

One of the highlights of the evening was a slide show tracing the 30-year history of our agency. From our humble beginnings to our current successes, each image told a part of our adventure, recalling the challenges met and the achievements celebrated. These shared memories evoked emotions and reflections, reminding each of us of the value of our collective commitment.

Lively discussions around the tasty buffets gave everyone a chance to reminisce about memorable moments, while the lively music invited everyone to let their hair down and dance. The evening was a real journey through time, celebrating not only our successes, but also the friendships and collaborations that have shaped Varenne over the years.

As the night wore on, we raised our glasses in a toast to 30 years gone by and many more to come. The celebration was a reminder of just how close-knit and passionate our team is, ready to take on new challenges and write the next chapters in our history.

This evening in the old glassworks will remain engraved in our memories as a symbol of our exceptional journey and our ongoing commitment to excellence. Let's look forward to the next 30 years!

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