Our Partner Artists

New sources of inspiration to personalize your addresses.

Today, our agencies are full-fledged resource centers that allow our clients to envision a different relationship with luxury, one that is less conformist, more intimate, and above all, carries their story. After Laurence Simoncini and Wilo & Grove, Varenne highlights 4 new artists: Delphine Brabant, Arielle de Gasquet, France de Griessen, and Hamrei.
Guillaume Reynard

Guillaume Reynard

An illustrator who likes to capture the poetry of the places he visits, such as our favorite Parisian neighborhoods.

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nicolas d'estienne d'orves journaliste Chroniqueur Figaroscope

Nicolas d'Estienne d'Orves

With him, we share the stimulation of the senses. Curiosity, nostalgia, humor and gourmandise accompany our Parisian strolls, to be discovered through the pages of Petits plaisirs que seul Paris procure, illustrated by Guillaume Kashima.

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#Varenne @varenne_paris





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Craftsmen of encounters between places of history and new lives.

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Tour eiffel au dessus des toits quartier de chaillot paris

Left Bank

Here, prestige comes from the richness of roots, from the Left Bank spirit instilled by numerous artists and intellectuals.

Left Bank

Right Bank

This bank of the Seine is where you’ll find the sort of diversity and contrasts that make the city such a marvel.

Right Bank

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